the trip to the air

hello datethispage readers. it been dozen of days since i last update. i had not been online for the past few days due to the busy week and a couple of event that took place. if you know what i mean. oh well.
- life lessons
well, looking back at our secondary one years, ncc had really taught me many valuable life lessons and the best part is, the lessons are free. its up to you whether you want to take it or choose to leave it. besides that ncc had also allowed me to share my experience and knowledge to a wonderful part, PART C 2006. yes. " one part, one sound" it was indeed nccc who taught me to go "bathe-less" for 2 days, to sweat and roll at the muddy grass pitch together, to stand still while in sedia position, to use our saliva instead of kiwi to shine our noots, to sit so straight even though our back is giving way, to shout so loud that the whole neighbourhood can hear, to be more vulgar, to change from u4 to pt kit in 2 mins even if it takes to change outside the toilet( cos its full), to drinki diluted milo, to eat Maggi mee from the packet itself without cooking, to be togetehr with someone that i really hate, to endure every punishment in the sun, to be dramaa standard in camp, to learn not to forge, to believe in a part though everyone is telling you to give yp, to lead a group of ppl who dont like the cca they joined, to groom a new batch of leader. ncc had really made me tramnsform from boy to men( dramatic effect) maybe not man but yopu know someone more ... ahahah. anyway, i think the best way tothank ncc is to serve the mfro another 2 years, not as cadet or cadet sepcialist but as a clt. "touch more lives and inspires the people around us"
special thanks to:
the boys from nan chiau, the girls from rgs, jeremy, stanley, hafiz, yong yi, and all those seniors who came, wai leong, shing rong , jin qin, ivan, kia yong, eugene, saiful, vinodh, shazani, jun jie, hafiz, shafiq, wahid, and all the part D that i have not mention, june,the cute part a, the standard part b, the schoomate from 4e1,4e2,4e3,4e5, issac, mr faird, mr chan , mr tan , Chee Yeong and last but not least my very own PART C. thanks for making the day such a blast.
wassup zaki. i dropped by.
remember me ASM 4eva hahaha..
haha. YOU ARE? haha
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