for the people like sabrina who is eagerly waitting for that realtionship entry, i'm really sorry cos i cant get the pictures down. sorry. next one maybe. oh anyway, today saiful brought his k700i to school and i was pretty amazed on why ppl like him spend hundreds of dollar to get a fone. oh well, i'm still very proud with my ever-lasting nokia 2100! oh its super good you know. and so like u had predicted it, today topic would be on my Nokia 2100.
many had ask me the same question over and over again on why i'm so budget. well, i am but i guess theres nothing i want to change about my fone. i mean i would change it for a nokia 3100 which is like super cool whne u're typing loooooong msges. it wud be like ' tic tac tic tac' and when you type there will be this ego to type faster when you're fren is looking. the sound it make is so nice. haha. really. well, my 2100 is good in typing too you know. it take me 3 sec to type ' my name is Zaki'. you noe to those samsung and sony erikson out there, you're slow poke. and typing is never fun. its like ' tic.. tic.. ticc' . ahhh. boriing la.
okay. next, u noe dat my fone can draw ryte? haha. which colour fone could? haha. and i'm so proud of this function. its like you can draw wadeva you like when u're bored or something. come in really handy when you're waitting for a long Q buying 4D or stuff. haha. yep. and because of this i had created my burfday msges and stuff to send to others. sweet. haha. hand make. 5cent for dilivery. 5 minutes to make. yep. and i really like the game SNAKE. its super nice to play with this rubber button. anyway my top score is 2475. beat that. haha. without cheating okayy. ;p
ohh. i like the alarm clock too. i dunnoe why whenver it ring, i will wake up. no wonder you didnt see me standing in front of the foyer every morning, cause i'm not late damn it. supper effective fone. since i dun really use all those blue tooth, camera, radio and stuff i like this fone. so simple and yet fun. ohh anyway its cover got this space to put pictures and stuff and i usually put some doodling . yepp. veryy nice. ahh. but to those of you who still dont find my fone good, then, i got nothing to say. its ur choice but in case ur fone break down or something get this fone. its cheap. and furthermore even if u drop it a thousand time u dun need to bring it to the service. cos its durable. BUT nowadays, very difficult to find it selling in the market. yep.
hahaah. okayy. relationship pictures next time sabrina!
haha. gtg. see you ppl around. add comments!
2100- simply zakiii
you liar! haha. where's the relationship entry?!
i SAID i'm sorry. haha. but anyway, it will be up soon. gimme 2 more days! okayy.
i love your phone lah! can compose ringtone somemore and damn retro. lol.
HAHA AWWA KID. dont cha just loveeee those rubber buttons.
hi handsome~
haha. lets go retro. haha. rubber buttons are cool like wad yun ting said. haha. ohhh wasssup vanessa. ahh. i realized no boys add comment laarh. this is too gay. nvm. one dayy ... haha
lalalala!are u sure ur alarm works?=p
erm. have you done your art. reminder.
soryy never update. but heyy look at GAY IN ACTION OKAY.
art got wad hmwk arh?
hey! this kinda gizmo's a an antic. treasure it. ppl frm all over may b lookin it for it in the future... errr.... mayb
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