March holidays is coming and i guess not everyone is looking forward to it.nah. certaintly not. For the record, im having a hard time thinking on the things to do this holidays! haha. not like i want to do all these things but i need to make a decission. a very important one indeed. hmmm. go for supernumery camp in the hq and miss all the chemistry,malay and physics classes or go for the later and give supernumery a miss?
haha. if you ask me which one is more important, i would say all the classes! duh. but should i like take a break or something? i still need to complete my art before i could start on the canvas after the holidays. but when i think again, i remember saying that my COMMITMENT in ncc dont just end after ssc and all those things that i didnt really mean. haha. sometimes,it takes a thought to make a word. and it takes some word to make an action. and it takes some action to make it works.there is no end to what im saying. sucha parody. oh well.
okay. i'll end by saying, BELIEVE. really. 8 months ago it was crisis. now its at a stable rate.
i drew DAT!
your a maths? hahahaha anddd its LATTER not later.hahaha so bastard.hahaha
HAHAHA! COWS ARE BEAUTIFUL! (you can squeeze milk from their tits) LOL.
haha. ewww. cows are pretty? are you sure. LOLS. and your pencilcase is made up of cows. LOLS!
hahahahahha. MEAN YOU PEOPLE ARE MEAN LA. real mean. hahahah. they are pretttyyyyyyyy DISGUSTING. HAHAHA
hey! your goign for supernumery? if you are, best of luck ya =)
zaki abdul rahman! zaki abdul rahman!
hello! you blog funny! haha
hey maisarah. yep i am. hahah. the camp was okay la. haha.
SINCE WHEN URE ZAKI ABDUL RAHMAN. stop being me june. ahaha. i know you like my name. but dont need to until this extent
hello alolevol. haha. u are?
yea.. we're seriously improving.. dun worry.. i'll get people like yongkian and ishak to come more often to training .. + im coming weekly lo.. but oly late a few times..
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