the adventure of PANADOL boy

so, after so much of talking about hows our life had been and what had we been doing for the this holiday and catching up and stuff at the esplanade(bonding session you see), we all finally decided to get the sick boy( ehem, me) a box of panadol. sometimes, when a mama shop is all you need, you can hardly find them. when you dont need them, they are everywhere. but when you dont, it seems like only shops like cheers, 7 eleven, watsons exist. so with ten dollar already wasted on some ARTISTIC bitch, i was like almost money-less. so a box of $3.70 panadol wont be a good idea cause all i need was TWO tablet. yep. so we were at suntec searching fer places where you can just buy one tab. but the watson didnt sell one tab you see. even the store at the koil garden didnt. haha. so what do we do? hahahahahahahahahaha. this fifa and jy went on asking sales girl of mcfield and mothercare if they have ajust 2 tablets. !! hahaha. my god. talking about embaressment.out of so many people to approch, they ask this people. haha. though those autie tried to help us, they just couldnt. but belive me they was super helpful cause i look half dead already. haha. they asked us why didnt we just buy one box of panado and we was like, "we got no money mam". they are making so much hoo-hah about getting just 2 panadol. hahhahaahahah. we was thinking that if i action faint in the middle of the basement floor, everyone will be looking while they will shout "anyone with panadol, pls do help this boy here" hahahah. desperate.. but of course we didnt. who will? hahaha. well, we went to guardian, and the sales girl offered us a much cheaper home brand panadol which is PARACETAMOL. which cost 1.50. hahaha. well, after taking 2 pill, i feel so much better. the magic of drug. hahaha.
oh well, soo much to say but so little time i guess? haha. see you ppl later. PARACETAMOL. thank you for treating the sick boy :)

hi zaki, i've got something to tell you. hehe
hey cikgu irfan! GET WELL SOONNNN SOON like now? haha
HAHA. do you want to tell me who you are 1st? hahahaah
haha. baskett sey. hahaha. HEHE. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. DONT ACT AH. you use to hehe too. UNTIL I CAME. AHAHAHAHAHA.
eh mud boy. full of mud and soil.people counting down for xmas or even new year but you are counting down for your birthday. hahas
hahah. wadd . MY BIRTHDAY 16 JAN OKAY. HAHAH.
hello zakiii.
hello sabrina and sofiah. the two S(ass). haha. kidding
ohh yep huiyi. haha.
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