A birthday gallery for FIFA FAT.

HAPPY birthday to the fatt onee, fifa. haha. okay la. since its her birthday, we shall say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SKINNY ONE, FIFA. haha. sounds fake. anyway, i think she got pretty much of a memorable sixteen birthday. haha. not forgetting the boobs mug, the 'horrible sungger cd', the boxers, diaries, photo and candle gallery and all. yes.
all in all, the surprise didnt work well but it was nice. yes. birthdays are nice. they are like oh-so-happy-days for whover who is celebrating that special day. sounds stupid,
anyway, i like the photo gallery that we did for fifa. right jy? yestersday was indeed a happy day. the mother tongue o result was out. it feels good to get what you want and sucks if you never get what u always wanted. the dinner was good. good food + good company = good time. we ate BEEF all the way. maybe I ate it all the way. SO, lets all hope zaki could grOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
IM 165 54 BUT I WANNA BE 169 65 AT THE END OF THE YEAR. help me grow people. buy me MILK and beef. i love them.
Why on earth do you want to gain weight?!?! Anyway, i i think that the pictures on the wall is cool. You could do that too for my bday. Hehe.Kidding.
hey..why did u say HAPPY BDAE TO ME?LOL..anywaysss...the ncc speech was ONE HELL OF A GODDAMN AWESOME SPEECHHHH! ahahhas..well..u'r certainly gonna miss sec sch days..like ALOT!=/ anywayss..ur art pieces are great!post more for me to seeeee!
oh..and u'l grow taller anyways..dun worry!! ;)
okay..this is a really long comment..take care zackeyyy!ahhas!all the best with ur coming prac and ss!
ciao :)
hello beefy
maaf cikgu
oh silly u!hahhahas..anywayss..take care!have funnnn..u seem to be always surrounded by girlssss eh!ahahahas..
I think this is an interesting site. Keep it up.
hello sofiah. right.
hello bff. whats with the cikgu. haha.
hello jillian. haha. school is fun i guess. haha. do tc.
hello weiling. i know. the next thing u gonna say is... haha.
haha. anoymous, you think this is a report card eh? KEEP IT UP. haha
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