the naked chef

HELLO. when i was five, my grandmom( my mom side and my favourite one ) was still running her stall located somewhere in the east. and during those days, she used to wake up very early morning maybe its the same now, just to prepare the basic vegetable for later use, like peeling of potatoes, the cutting of chillis and blending them, cooking some major gravy and of course preparing her very own secret thing. hahah. wahh. secret recipe eh. nah. but you know, every individual who cooks well have her/his own style and thing. haha.
during that time, my mom was still working at the jewellery store. so every morning, she would send me and my lilttle sister to my grandmom house which is only like 2 blocks away but seperated by an open carpark. so mathemathically, the distance between our house would be around 150m or so? yep. and since we reached her house like 6.30 and those days PAP school start at 7.30 or 45, we got alot of time. and since the food that were given there(in the PAP) was very chinese, i hate them. not because im being racist infact im not la. haha. Its just something that you are not use to. so yep. we usually have breakfast at the grandmom. being five, i am able to peer over the kitchen worktop, (where my grandmother and her friends does her work), i remember being fascinated by what went on the kitchen. It just seem like a cool place. everyone working together to make this lovely and delicious stuff while having a good laugh doing it.
i guess my grandmom got sick of hearing me whinning all the time cause im bored, so when im 5 year plus, she let me peel the potato and that kind of thing. by the time the year end, i was already a junior expert. hahaha! i can peel potato without wasting so many flesh.( you know usually when you peel a-cookless potato, you tend to cut alot of flesh too) so yep. oh i remember the times where i got cut. bloody occasion. and i go to school with just a plaster but it got so many attention from my friends whom think that wearing a plaster was cool at that time. ahhh. those were the days. too much cartoon. Amazingly, though i like playing with LEGO tht time, i still find the kitchen is the place to be. till now, alot of boys thought cooking was a girly thing but i didnt really care. ITS COOL.
even TILL today, i like to cook. hahah. it just wonderful thing to do. i still remember , my obs days, my watch was clueless when my instructor ask anyone to volunteer as the cooking ic. but like you had guess. i raised up my hand. haha. everyone was shock la cause they only know me as the guy from bowen and have soccer and ncc as his cca. ( 1st day what. so that was all they know) haha. so, throughout the days, i plann what to eat for dinner and what snack to bring. hahaha. you know what, given the supply of food, most watch would cook the normal stuff. but well, our watch, we even have fruit sallad( mixing raisin, cut oranges, cut prunes and orange juice) . noodle pasta( boiling the noodle dat is given, drying them and throwing away the msg. then mixed with them minestrone thick soup(cambell one, which was given). and lots of basic stuff that is change here and there. WOAAHH. "dont actt arh zaki" "jangan stepp" hahah. and you know what. hahahaha. you know, the last day, everyone need to write a letter to thank anyone on his/her good deeds and read it aloud. haha. anddd all thank me fer the DELICIOUS food. hahahahah. perasan eh but true OKAY.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. zaki. haha.
well, yeap. sometimes when you like something that you are doing you SHOULD do it often. haha. now should is not a bad 6 letter word. haha! the strange thing is, between all m y siblings( which consist of 2 silly girls) im the best in cooking OKAY. haahah. my god. i didnt know thats something to brag. haha! gay you may say but its not, okay! just look at jamie oliver! i love his shows to the bits la. go watch his FIFTEEN shows, feed us better and all those project shows of his. real cool. and he goes around with his RED scooter to buy his ingridients. haha. talking about VINTAGE or maybe the matt version; OLD SCHOOL.
during that time, my mom was still working at the jewellery store. so every morning, she would send me and my lilttle sister to my grandmom house which is only like 2 blocks away but seperated by an open carpark. so mathemathically, the distance between our house would be around 150m or so? yep. and since we reached her house like 6.30 and those days PAP school start at 7.30 or 45, we got alot of time. and since the food that were given there(in the PAP) was very chinese, i hate them. not because im being racist infact im not la. haha. Its just something that you are not use to. so yep. we usually have breakfast at the grandmom. being five, i am able to peer over the kitchen worktop, (where my grandmother and her friends does her work), i remember being fascinated by what went on the kitchen. It just seem like a cool place. everyone working together to make this lovely and delicious stuff while having a good laugh doing it.
i guess my grandmom got sick of hearing me whinning all the time cause im bored, so when im 5 year plus, she let me peel the potato and that kind of thing. by the time the year end, i was already a junior expert. hahaha! i can peel potato without wasting so many flesh.( you know usually when you peel a-cookless potato, you tend to cut alot of flesh too) so yep. oh i remember the times where i got cut. bloody occasion. and i go to school with just a plaster but it got so many attention from my friends whom think that wearing a plaster was cool at that time. ahhh. those were the days. too much cartoon. Amazingly, though i like playing with LEGO tht time, i still find the kitchen is the place to be. till now, alot of boys thought cooking was a girly thing but i didnt really care. ITS COOL.
even TILL today, i like to cook. hahah. it just wonderful thing to do. i still remember , my obs days, my watch was clueless when my instructor ask anyone to volunteer as the cooking ic. but like you had guess. i raised up my hand. haha. everyone was shock la cause they only know me as the guy from bowen and have soccer and ncc as his cca. ( 1st day what. so that was all they know) haha. so, throughout the days, i plann what to eat for dinner and what snack to bring. hahaha. you know what, given the supply of food, most watch would cook the normal stuff. but well, our watch, we even have fruit sallad( mixing raisin, cut oranges, cut prunes and orange juice) . noodle pasta( boiling the noodle dat is given, drying them and throwing away the msg. then mixed with them minestrone thick soup(cambell one, which was given). and lots of basic stuff that is change here and there. WOAAHH. "dont actt arh zaki" "jangan stepp" hahah. and you know what. hahahaha. you know, the last day, everyone need to write a letter to thank anyone on his/her good deeds and read it aloud. haha. anddd all thank me fer the DELICIOUS food. hahahahah. perasan eh but true OKAY.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. zaki. haha.
well, yeap. sometimes when you like something that you are doing you SHOULD do it often. haha. now should is not a bad 6 letter word. haha! the strange thing is, between all m y siblings( which consist of 2 silly girls) im the best in cooking OKAY. haahah. my god. i didnt know thats something to brag. haha! gay you may say but its not, okay! just look at jamie oliver! i love his shows to the bits la. go watch his FIFTEEN shows, feed us better and all those project shows of his. real cool. and he goes around with his RED scooter to buy his ingridients. haha. talking about VINTAGE or maybe the matt version; OLD SCHOOL.
anyway, heres some pictures for yesterday DINNER with fifa jy and june. THANK YOU FIFA MOTHER. haha. we really enjoy ourseleves.