i have not complete the never ending SWEATSHOP.
art art art art. you either hate it or lothe it. yep. I always have the time of my life whenever i step inside the art room. THAT WAS A YEAR AGO. however, today, 1 year later, steping into that L shaped classroom would be one that i seldom look forward to. art is time consuming. well, not really. its super time consuming. haha. anyway, the dead line for the completion for the 'course work is like on the 1st week of october' and the prelims today. BUT I have yet to complete it. haha. The face havent even been drawn. pathethic i know. thats zaki for you.
The "message" behind a work of art is really left up to the interpretation and appreciation of each individual who sees/hears/reads it.A work of art can be like a walk down a wooded path. For each person who walks that path, the experience will be different. For some it is relaxing and enjoyable. For others it is physically strenuous and challenging. For still others, it can even be creepy and unpleasant. Likewise, a work of art is interpreted in a thousand different ways by a thousand different people. yep. since its 25 august, let me share with you the message behind the canvas that you just seen.
The above piece that you have seen is my final master piece that i have came out with after going through a number of process and ideas. Well, first and foremost, i used mainly warm colours such as red, yellow, orange and the different tones of those couloyrs. I want to sow my anger and displeasure towards the 'child prostitution. To me, red and the shades of it represent anger, rage and hatred. In this painting, i have been inspired by the movement of cubism especially by Braques and Picasson work's. Besides being inspired by the artists, i also use cubism to show the 'censorship' effects. Since child prostituition involves children whom are still juvenile, cubism is used to disfigured the victim( the prominent girl fingure) so that her identity is protected. Besides that, I want to show that just like the dismented planes in the background , the dreams of the victim is shattred. If you take a look at the canvas at a distance, you will the realized that the girl-figure seems very crammed and have little space to move. This is to sho that the victims does not have freedom as they are control by the brothel. At the heart of the figure, there is a teenage girl's face poping out ans showing her emotions of displeasure in a surreal manner. The face is actually mine when i potrayed myself as a victime. I am trying to voice out my disliking to the 'child prostitution business' . But can anyonme hear me?
Children are not sex objects, they are the future of mankind.
eh lehh...act seh..hahahahaa ooooooooooo your so cool porky. no seriously, the art i meant
its cubismmmmm!!gosh i miss art..i tell u..u walk of thr aft evrythg..u'l miss evry single moment of it! =(
and i stayed till 7pm almost evryday to complete my canvass..but i still miss art!
I think i saw you today with somebody.
if you'd stop wasting time singing and dancing, you would have finished your canvas by now.
I know, I know, the pot calling the kettle black.
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