As i sat here in my room, i began to realise that this page no longer seems to make sense and even if it does, it make little sense. If anyone of you ever had read my post months ago, you would soon realized that this page has lost its vibrancy not in picture sense but thoughts. When i sat up this page when i was fifteen ( almost two years ago!), this page is solely meant as a place where i talk and talk and no one could stop me. However, these days this page seems to be occupied with few lines of thoughts or lyrics that no one seems to understand except me. I choose these lines or lyrics because it describe how i feel best. Sometimes, the best kind of description is descripiton through songs because most of us like to relate a certain period of time with a certain songs. You do that, dont you?
By now, most of you would have realized that my use of grammer sucksss. haha. Believe me, i know and i'll be improving it because i'm buying a primary 4 grammer book to practice as suggested by my gp tutor. haha! Pathethic, i know! Talking to a couple of people online and reading alot of wonderful stories online had inspired me to do a long entry. I have ask myself this question " What is my priorities?" alot of times; in the long bus ride home from school, in the bathroom, when im in the school libray alone during breaks, when i'm facing stupid maths problem (???!!!#@$!) and when im doing nothing. And everytime i ask myself, i cant seem to answer my own question. arhgh! I began to ask myself why do i commit to such stupid thing at the first place. study shit, soccer shit, house cap shit which then will bring into more shits like assignment and test shit, teacher shit, training shit, organizing shits, compt shit and a whole load more shit. I'm sorry for the language use but shit is really the best word to describe all these shit. hahaha.
Besides all that shit, i think being a teacher is the most coolest job one could lend. Seriously. Though i do not want to be a teacher but I am certaintly game for relief teaching after my As which is a loooong way to gooo. But honestly, i think that being a teacher especially a secondary teacher is way cool cause you will have to play an important role in shaping the characters of teens and inspiring them do great things. As bold as it may sound or cliche as it may sound, i think thats the coolest responsibility one can ever had. I've always wanted to work with teenagers of 12-16 years of age because i feel i could 'connect' with thse kids. Speaking of this, made me miss those time when i was staff of part c 2006! haha. Oh well. I want to do so many things after promos like read, go to vietnam or thailand with bowen to help those kids again, lepak, visit so many sg places that i've not been to like fishball factory? hahaaha, the new musuem, the happening flea markets and yada yada. you get my flow. But first, i need to study for my promos which is around 60 days? Alright, i need to sleep. hahaahahah. OH WELL. the adventure of zaki boy continues...