One year ago. Look at Saiful!This picture is a classic.
It is not so much the fact that i have nothing to say, but instead it's how i'm finding it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Trust me, if i could i would most definitely be well on my way to fighting for what i want.However, these thoughts can and will take a stepback, because ultimately, whatever that is meant to be yours will eventually be in time to come. Its just a matter of time.
Sometimes i feel like i could shoulder all that is pushed to me, but when shit hits the fan and everything comes tumbling down, the true testament of my courage and ability show through and what am i at the end of it really?Very very messy. But i am not complaining because at the moment, i quite like how things are. Yes, i do! There is alot of uncertainty (or so i like to believe) but hopefully things remain as it is for as long as i can keep it, because well, ok that is another story for another day. I like being busy. For your information, i have not slept since sunday afternoon! Its 00:31am now and its tuesday.