42 milo dinasaur please

well, its not a class where everyone is oh-so-close but its more like a class where everyone learning to be together. hahaha. maybe we are a

well, the funny thing is, during recess, you could see everyone break up to join other class. its common but never once were we all together gather. but yep. i love my class. anyway, a few weeks back, we have this class "party". haha. well. very funny i tell you. everything was last min and soo unplanned BUT it turn out well. being a 'moniter' haha. i need to call everyone telling them where the bbq pit is and stupid stuff like that. i couldnt inform them a week earlier cause i only book the pit 1 day before that thing. haha! hahaa! myyy. then, i get everybody to spread the msg. hahaha! total chaos. okay, the grocery shopping next. it was random. hahahahah. just bought what we need. wait its not WE who bought. its just JENIFER all by herself. hahaahhaha. dats how unplanned it is.
on the very day itself, my esp tell me that the food wont be enough. so bough some potatoes and stuff and quickly went to danial house to bake a sheperd pie. hahahaha. luckily there was a maid there to help in the mashing up of those potatoes. hahaah. yep. called jennifer and her mom pick me up. hahaha. well, the they were around 28 or so who attend. not bad la considering its US. hahahahah. well, i cant remeber wad we did but there were a LIVE sea wrestling between junxi and glen i think? ahahah. well, dats milo dinasour. haha.
anyway, look at the pictures. hahah. mostly its the MASS SUICIDE picyutres. haha. the usual 8. ahahaha. dat shows alot about the class. hahaha. have fun rushing though the hw people.