let the rain fall, i dont care. im yours, suddenly your mine.

hello friends
the pass few days had been madness.its one of those days when im stucked to the bed and have absolutely no strength to pick myself up. not like i fell but im sick. so, im falling sick. wait. i was sick. haha. They say sick people tell stupid joke. and im not asking you to pity me. never PITY me. thats rule number #52.anyway, thanks to those who had call or leave a msg. its nice to hear from the ppl close to you espcially when you are not feeling well. not that its oh soo manyy but you know who you are. yes, you kind souls.
anyway, just yesterday, i watch NOTHING HILL, A LOT LIKE LOVE, FARENHEIT 9/11, THE WEDDING CRASHER. all fantastic film. superbly. i know im abit yesterday because im very sure you had seen all this film like eons ago. i just wanna tell you that i found movies that can beat serendipity, NOTHING HILL and alot like love. hhaha. (just when i thought that nothing beats serendipity) ahh. i love amanda peet now. amanda peet loves me too. i just know. hahah. actaully, she send me a sms just now. wait, im not gonna be like those silly friends of mine who wrote stupid stuff like this. right, FIFA? haha. i got love.
yes. im tired already. i need to alot of rest, at least thats what the doctor said. okay. im gonna watch more movie. TC.
with hugs and kisses hahahahahahahah
oh, and for those of you who think that stacey orico is good with her vocals after watching SI, you gotta hear ANNA nalick. not that shes very good but do listen to her breathe 2AM. its stacissshh. ( dont laught, JA would say that) which JA you ask? JACINTHA the judge. remember MUZACKISH. make it muzakiiiiiiiish. ahh more like it. OKAY. STOP. its addictive. cant helpt it. i want more. WOOOOOOO. HAHA
amanda peet ur west gf, what happen to kiera knightly?
hahahhaa u idiot
hello..recovered alrd huh. hope to see u in sch soon!! (:
hahaha being sick has made u this way or what. LOL.
nice flats pictures
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