POP Speech for Outgoing Specs
Outgoing Specialistsi.e. Current Part Ds and Part D1s of 2006
Good afternoon to everyone present. It has reached the time of the year again when I’m going to see the departure of yet another batch of specialists. It leaves me with great pleasure being the CLT of Bowen NCC. And I’m very sure that being your platoon CLT is one of my most memorable moments in life. Yes, I am very proud of you guys.
I have seen the progress of everyone here back from the days when you all were in Part A. And if you guys remember hard enough, I have told you all before: “I was once a bloody recruit, and now I’m a fcuking CLT”. Yes, to bring you all back to reality, you guys are going to end your service in NCC in your secondary school life in a matter of an hour’s time.
I’m truly impressed back in the time when you guys were in Part Cs. The indescribable bonding and unity that you guys possessed after Specialist Course often leave me in awe. Even till now, somehow, the bonding hasn’t faded off totally. In recollection, I won’t forget the many dinners we had after trainings, the numerous meals we shared after HQ camps, the endless gossiping sessions, and the everlasting laughter. And of course, the chatters, the photos, the scoldings, the games, and the great fond memories. Somehow or another, before you all actually realize it, you guys have traveled miles and went through a long journey all the way to this special day. Well done.
I have seen the transition of NCC from a military organization to a student development CCA per say. Of course, I cannot deny the fact that NCC has became soft over the years. I was struggling with the change during Shafiq’s batch when they were in Part C, refusing to blend in with the new 21st NCC Master plan. But it is only after Shafiq’s batch, which is your batch, that I see another perspective of the NCC. Through each and every one of you all, it finally dawned on me that NCC has re-defined leadership.
Leadership to me in the past is leadership through fear. Eventually, from the unique individuals of Part C 2005, I have learnt a new spectrum of leadership which never occurred to me before. One of which is that I understood how one got to be an autocratic leader, and a servant leader at the same time. I also realize that there are so much deeper meanings of being a CLT, and so much difference a CLT has got to make. Life as a Bowen CLT wouldn’t be different for me if it hadn’t been the existence of you guys.
A leader is someone who leads by example, with actions not just words.
A leader is someone who can truly lead people to their destiny, not to have followers following just for the sake of doing so, for then what's the point of having that authority.
A leader is someone who can connect and communicate well with people, not someone who appears so hard-hearted and cold, not showing fake concerns and love.
A leader is someone who is not prideful and self-centered, but one who is humble and have a serving heart. That's true leadership
You guys made history – 7 awards from Specialist Course, 2 awards from Senior Spec Course, and 1 garang guy who dared to shoot a S/CLT in HQ down with the words “gold unit is just a matter of time, just you wait”. And I’m very sure your batch is the first batch I have taken without many internal conflicts. I wonder how many more years will it come for this history to repeat itself again, and I seriously hope that Bowen NCC will not become a fallen legacy in the distant future.
I’m sure when you look back in time, you would realize that Bowen NCC has already become a part of you, because you guys have sweat it out for the past 4 years. Bowen NCC wasn’t just a CCA to me; it’s definitely more than that. Inevitably, I cannot deny the fact that Bowen NCC has shaped me to who I am today. Not anyone, or anybody, it’s just Bowen NCC. And somehow or another, I’m sure it has changed the lives of some of you guys here. You guys came in as individuals, today; you guys will leave the service as brothers, and as comrades.
Before I end this message, I want to thank you guys again for spontaneously helping the unit despite your busy schedules at times. If you guys remember, before you all took over, I said something about “all the little things you going to do for the next one year will form a big picture”, and I’m proud again to announce that all of you here have painted a wonderful and beautiful picture, making a huge and significant impact on the cadets.
I was never good at saying good bye. But when one has got to go, you have really got to go. As both you and me leave the service this evening, I would like to thank you all once again for the services rendered in the past one year, and for the wonderful and fond memories induced which will be carved deeply in my heart. The many sessions we spent together will never be forgotten. In my ending words, I would like to wish all of you guys the very best in your life, and best of luck for the upcoming examinations. As cliché as it may sound, always remember, “tough days don ‘t last, only tough man does”
Yours Sincerely,
S/CLT Tan Chee Yong
Service from 03/01/00 – 21/07/06