Thursday, September 28, 2006
I'm still in a state of shock you $%#%#%@! driver. Who wouldnt? Imagine if you were crossing at the zebra crossing and this black wagon car out of no where suddenly swift past you at full speed. Its so near your hand could feel the side of the car with great impact.
I think im lucky to be typing this entry out because just a while ago i almost get knocked down by a car. I cant thank god enough. When that happened, i was so shocked and stunt that i freeze at the zebra crossing for 5s. My eyes were looking at that car. The woman on the passenger sit did look at me for some time. I think she was so shock herself. After 5 seconds had past, i was so angry that i started to shout at the driver although he cant possibly hear me. I was furious. haha
I noticed that the busdriver at the juction saw what had happened and just look at me. I look at him and he look at me. I didnt know what to do and how to react. The car was no longer at sight.
I couldnt thank god enough. Os are ahead.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
you have your own faith, i have my own faith. a good read
Tomorrow would mark a significant begining to many of your malay or muslim friends. Because starting from tommorow, you dont find them running to their most favourite stall to get the mouth watering nasi lemak or the thirst quenching ice Milo with extra milo powder on top. Not because Mr Osama bin laden had robbed thier bank account to buy more weapons to aid Al-Qaedah's mission or they had spend all their money to buy a bazooka to kill Pope Benedict XVI after his insensitive comments BUT because, it marks Ramadan , a fasting month for all muslim around the world.
Like every year, i'm very sure my chinese and indian friends will ask why do we actually fast and all that jazz which is a very natural reaction. I mean who would not be curious to see people like ME not eating for around 14 hour a day, and that continue for 30 days. So i guess that today, i would be talking about the month of ramadan. haha. I assure you that it will be a good read and not just another Manual read that you can find elsewhere in the net. It is brought to you by, the most trusting brand in the net. right.
the muslim would fast from dawn( which is about 5.45am Singapore time) until sunset ( which is around 7.03 Singapore time ) abstaning from food, drink and sexual relations. Dont get it? It means no cheeseburger, no coke, not even a sip of tap water and strictly no sex during the day. Sometimes im very sure that you see some of your muslim friend still eats. They either do not fast or are excuse from fasting. Who are the people being excused? Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are pregnant, nursing or having a bloody epidemic. haha. you know what i mean. so what does a physically unable people do if they cant fast? They need to feed a needy person for every day they missed. yes.
Most people start fasting after passing their puberty but many kids these days start fasting earlier. They usually prepare themselves by fasting till 2pm when they are eight years old. I start fasting fully when i'm 11 i think. haha. rather slow start. Anyhow, im very sure you people still have a burning question. " Why do we fast? Whats the reason behind fasting? " I cant give you a perect 15 marks answer( if its over 15) but i can tell you of what i've learn and been told.
Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor and less fortunate people which go hungry for days. Hence it reminds us how not to take food for granted and not to waste them. " People in Thailand got no food" HAHA.Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind . And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers. Something like that. yes. thats all folks.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
i wish flinstone and spongebob were here
hello friends. I know i'm supposed to be at school having block revisions and collecting the-oh-so-badly done prelim results but here i am, typing this piece of entry. well, you may think i'm having the time of my life, enjoying life back at home feeding myself with all the movies that i had missed years ago and not forgetting enjoying all the cheekeern steeyew, chekern legs, leaving all the bones behind neatly on the table. but the truth is, i hate this whole thing. how i wish i could be out there, be in school at least laughing at mrs hee endless jokes and doing endless revisions . but this body of mine just does not allows me. haha. i may sound a lil psyco but hey, its true.
anyhow, just now i was telling my mom why im not going school on thursday and friday and she kindly and cooly say " its allright". well, even my oh-so-kind friend dont allow me to be in school. haha. the vomit monster is in da house they say. haha. so for today and tommorow, i would dedicate myself, my body and i to sports.( to immproved this weak immune system of mine ) so, i would prolly spending my time at the court, playing soccer and later at night, im gonna hit the pool. yes. lets just hope i dont drown.
okay. as usual, i was blog hopping , and i saw cailing blog and someone else. they actually laugh about their life in their blog that they had came out with 2 years ago. hahahahaha. you know, actually i do have a blog that no one knows 2 years ago. or maybe 1? yes, no one except 2 or 3 people. soo let me spilled the beans. though its funny, but its nice to see what you had been doing back then and how different your life was then, its a funny read. yes. nice account of my wonderful sec 2 years.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
let the rain fall, i dont care. im yours, suddenly your mine.

hello friends
the pass few days had been madness.its one of those days when im stucked to the bed and have absolutely no strength to pick myself up. not like i fell but im sick. so, im falling sick. wait. i was sick. haha. They say sick people tell stupid joke. and im not asking you to pity me. never PITY me. thats rule number #52.anyway, thanks to those who had call or leave a msg. its nice to hear from the ppl close to you espcially when you are not feeling well. not that its oh soo manyy but you know who you are. yes, you kind souls.
anyway, just yesterday, i watch NOTHING HILL, A LOT LIKE LOVE, FARENHEIT 9/11, THE WEDDING CRASHER. all fantastic film. superbly. i know im abit yesterday because im very sure you had seen all this film like eons ago. i just wanna tell you that i found movies that can beat serendipity, NOTHING HILL and alot like love. hhaha. (just when i thought that nothing beats serendipity) ahh. i love amanda peet now. amanda peet loves me too. i just know. hahah. actaully, she send me a sms just now. wait, im not gonna be like those silly friends of mine who wrote stupid stuff like this. right, FIFA? haha. i got love.
yes. im tired already. i need to alot of rest, at least thats what the doctor said. okay. im gonna watch more movie. TC.
with hugs and kisses hahahahahahahah
oh, and for those of you who think that stacey orico is good with her vocals after watching SI, you gotta hear ANNA nalick. not that shes very good but do listen to her breathe 2AM. its stacissshh. ( dont laught, JA would say that) which JA you ask? JACINTHA the judge. remember MUZACKISH. make it muzakiiiiiiiish. ahh more like it. OKAY. STOP. its addictive. cant helpt it. i want more. WOOOOOOO. HAHA
Sunday, September 10, 2006
39612947192481 days to Os
The prelims will commence tommorow. well. i got lots of funny feelings. haha. ohh well. its a bad sign maybe.
hahah. how i wish this whole thing will be over but everyone will tell me the same thing, pressed on . yep. i will make the best of the remaining hours i had before my geog papers. have not memorized tourism though but let just say, take a chill pill. ahh. well, i think i would say goodbye to chem cause i have never touch the chem for weeks. hahaha. i dont really know what to say but lets remain optimist eh.
i'll promise myself that when i enter the exam hall on tuesday, i will get fullmarks for art. RIGHT. but im serious. i badly need full marks. yes. think i'm crazy. nah. ahhhh. yes. nothing is impossible.
well, i ran out of courage. we shall see. wish me luck.
hahah. how i wish this whole thing will be over but everyone will tell me the same thing, pressed on . yep. i will make the best of the remaining hours i had before my geog papers. have not memorized tourism though but let just say, take a chill pill. ahh. well, i think i would say goodbye to chem cause i have never touch the chem for weeks. hahaha. i dont really know what to say but lets remain optimist eh.
i'll promise myself that when i enter the exam hall on tuesday, i will get fullmarks for art. RIGHT. but im serious. i badly need full marks. yes. think i'm crazy. nah. ahhhh. yes. nothing is impossible.
well, i ran out of courage. we shall see. wish me luck.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Catch me if you can

hello world.
i think i am gonna hid for a while to catch my dream. i predict a D7 for english and things are not looking good, for this moment, at least. I badly need to get what i always wanted. Never was i this hunger for glory. Is this what they called greed?
Thank you June Lio Shu Xin for getting me back to where i am supposed to be. Yes. Make that tripple thanks. <<3
I'm looking forward to Saturday. They say its a beutiful place to seek solace. For the time being , i shall pack my bag because my room is always occupied by my small sister who's adiccted to blogging and my mom who's addicted to youtube where she could see all her idols. Off to the balcony.
BYE BYE datethispage, take care of yourself while I am taking on the world.