Saturday, September 01, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nothing in this world could come close to how much i tressure my bestfriend. She's my bestfriend, my confidante, my late night buddy! Though at times we bicker and squabble, i know all she want is the best for me. BABAT, i'm happy for you. You know i do.
( if you happened to be here, pls wish fifa happy birthday in the coment box below. Thanks)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
auntie wong, my son bery the cleber you noe!
This picture is a classic.
It is not so much the fact that i have nothing to say, but instead it's how i'm finding it difficult to put my thoughts into words. Trust me, if i could i would most definitely be well on my way to fighting for what i want.However, these thoughts can and will take a stepback, because ultimately, whatever that is meant to be yours will eventually be in time to come. Its just a matter of time.
Sometimes i feel like i could shoulder all that is pushed to me, but when shit hits the fan and everything comes tumbling down, the true testament of my courage and ability show through and what am i at the end of it really?Very very messy. But i am not complaining because at the moment, i quite like how things are. Yes, i do! There is alot of uncertainty (or so i like to believe) but hopefully things remain as it is for as long as i can keep it, because well, ok that is another story for another day. I like being busy. For your information, i have not slept since sunday afternoon! Its 00:31am now and its tuesday.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
class of 2006
This world has too much negativity. Lighten up, it’s a beautiful place! Sometimes, I just can’t see why people are so narcissistic and self-absorbed all the time. It’s really a damn turn-off. You’re young, good-looking, smart, so what in the world is making you feel so bloody abused. I think I see what the problem is. People like you feel like the world owes you a living. Get over it.
I would say, take pleasure in the simple things life brings your way. I was telling June, for every bad thing that happens, something good will blossom. Say for example, a relationship doesn’t work out, what does one bring away from it? Self-realisation? Perhaps a better understanding of ones flaws and the knowledge of how to handle the same situations should the problem ever arise. Good memories are a bonus too. So please lah, relaks sia! Smile.
This entry had no direction so that explains it.
Monday, July 23, 2007
zaki boy saves katong again!
As i sat here in my room, i began to realise that this page no longer seems to make sense and even if it does, it make little sense. If anyone of you ever had read my post months ago, you would soon realized that this page has lost its vibrancy not in picture sense but thoughts. When i sat up this page when i was fifteen ( almost two years ago!), this page is solely meant as a place where i talk and talk and no one could stop me. However, these days this page seems to be occupied with few lines of thoughts or lyrics that no one seems to understand except me. I choose these lines or lyrics because it describe how i feel best. Sometimes, the best kind of description is descripiton through songs because most of us like to relate a certain period of time with a certain songs. You do that, dont you?
By now, most of you would have realized that my use of grammer sucksss. haha. Believe me, i know and i'll be improving it because i'm buying a primary 4 grammer book to practice as suggested by my gp tutor. haha! Pathethic, i know! Talking to a couple of people online and reading alot of wonderful stories online had inspired me to do a long entry. I have ask myself this question " What is my priorities?" alot of times; in the long bus ride home from school, in the bathroom, when im in the school libray alone during breaks, when i'm facing stupid maths problem (???!!!#@$!) and when im doing nothing. And everytime i ask myself, i cant seem to answer my own question. arhgh! I began to ask myself why do i commit to such stupid thing at the first place. study shit, soccer shit, house cap shit which then will bring into more shits like assignment and test shit, teacher shit, training shit, organizing shits, compt shit and a whole load more shit. I'm sorry for the language use but shit is really the best word to describe all these shit. hahaha.
Besides all that shit, i think being a teacher is the most coolest job one could lend. Seriously. Though i do not want to be a teacher but I am certaintly game for relief teaching after my As which is a loooong way to gooo. But honestly, i think that being a teacher especially a secondary teacher is way cool cause you will have to play an important role in shaping the characters of teens and inspiring them do great things. As bold as it may sound or cliche as it may sound, i think thats the coolest responsibility one can ever had. I've always wanted to work with teenagers of 12-16 years of age because i feel i could 'connect' with thse kids. Speaking of this, made me miss those time when i was staff of part c 2006! haha. Oh well. I want to do so many things after promos like read, go to vietnam or thailand with bowen to help those kids again, lepak, visit so many sg places that i've not been to like fishball factory? hahaaha, the new musuem, the happening flea markets and yada yada. you get my flow. But first, i need to study for my promos which is around 60 days? Alright, i need to sleep. hahaahahah. OH WELL. the adventure of zaki boy continues...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
She acts like summer and walks like rain

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken.Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know youre wrong. Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation. The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me
im stuck with the song drop of jupiter by Train and Hey there delilah by Plain white T and Forever young by Youth group.
Get it all @
Monday, July 09, 2007
elton john on the radio
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. Preosllnay I tinhk its cmolpete nenosnese......
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
swings and slide at midnight
A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got planes and trains and cars. I'd walk to you if i had no other way. Our friends would make fun of us an we'll just laugh along because we know that none of them have felt this way.
2 more years and you'll be done with school. AND i'll be making history like i do.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Lips of an angel
You expect the momentous events in life to provide some kind of a warning. You expect you expect to have some presage of what's about to happen, to be prepared for it when it hits you. I wasnt prepared. Some things hit so hard that you cannot prepare yourself for them. You just have to let them come and hope you survive the blow.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i guess its never too late to say a big thank you for those who have scream their lungs out and have faith in us always
Friday, June 08, 2007
why aint paris in the gen' pop?
have any of you remember about all the cool toys that was sold at the old mama shop?
remember that styrofoam aeroplane that you need to esemble yourself? the one that can only fly very very far if you put the 'red nose' on it's front. remember those transparent water guns? haha. remember how you would always filled it up and bring to school only to realize that everyone have the same blue water gun? remember that SOLDIER TOY that come with its own parachute? You need to tie the paprachute and released it ! Remember that water toy that you need to get all the hoops in that thing!! by just pressing a single button. ahh... you know which toy im refering to right? no batteries required. Remember that classic spinning top and no matter how hard you try you still cant figure how to spin it? Remember about those batman sticker album? The one that you use 80 cents of your pocket money everyday to but a packet of sticker only to realise that you already have those sticker. Remember how happy you are when you found out that you have a shiny batman sticker? Remember how foolish you were to stick that shiny sticker to your album rather than keeping in your wallet.
i am very sure that most of you who read this will go " HEYYY!! i remember got such thing last time!"
wait. Do you remember that 10cent bibi snack that you will always buy after school? ala, the orange colour one! remember coki chocolate stick? the one that taste like nuttela but more fun to eat.
AHHHHH. wheres the old mama shop???
my fav mama shop was at below block 408 in bedok. The one near to the old ping yi primary.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
have faith
sometimes i really wonder what will make us pull our socks up. day in, day out, nothing seems to change. attitude, hunger, being serious, and goals. where are they? when will they come? 2 weeks have passed and 3 victories had put us to the top. But there are so many challenges that is yet to come. do we really got what it takes to win the championship back?
sometimes, i wish that we would lose our next game . Maybe through a defeat will we learn. A defeat at our own home ground. A defeat that will humilate the hundred odds mj supporter. A defeat that will teach us a lesson and finally perform at the rate that we should. But lets not be silly, attitude, hunger, being serious and goals is something that we can control. Why let defeat control all these things?
So c'mmon ppl. play our hearts out everytime we step on the pitch!
lets make ppl fear us.
cause we are no longer teamates nor friends on the pitch. we are brothers.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
" when will i ever see bright sky when i am on the way home ? "
day in, day out. We prayed, we run, we sweat, we kicked, we pushed, we trained. Whats the point a stranger may ask. Only time will have the answer.
" bright or dark sky? It does not matter anymore"
Saturday, March 24, 2007
phobos pride
nationals will begin in exacttly 10 days time. One thing for sure, we want the championship back!
we have 8 games. 7 which will be played home. 1 will be played at JJ.
lets go mj, lets go!
Monday, March 12, 2007
huh huh. mj has been really fun but its damn tiring. Imagine having training for almost 3 hours everyday till saturday. it means that i only got sunday to just relax and chill. i'm officially a happy boy right now. okay. I gtg. i'm having a match this evening against united world collge. Anyway, i need to get shoes and lots of stationery to fill my tom and jerry pencil case that june got me for xmas. HAHAHA. You know those pencil case that your mother gets for you when you were 7? The one with 3 levels?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
adidas, so what?
School had kept me very busy for the last few weeks. Attending lectures, doing tutorials, lunch at the western stall, running ten rounds the field, sweating at the middle of the pitch, going for tackles, long bus ride home, catch up calls and followed by a 7hr sleep before the next day commence.
Its never easy catching up all the lessons that i've missed and juggling with trainings especially when one is lagging in fitness. There are times when i feel like giving up but when i gave a second thought, its not worth it to go this far and then give up.
" the rest can go fly kite"
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Sometimes, you try to do good things but you end up wondering in the prison. You tried to explain to lawyer that you are not guilty but these 'people' never understand. You tried again and this time its the same ol' story, you failed to convince them. "Goodwill?" they asked. "Are you kidding? You should have.." they continue. There will be a period of time when you get down to 'earth' and soon realised that it is no use of rebelling and fighting against something that is already final. And it is this period of time that you will feel helpless and tired of this whole thing. Why should i fight for something that is never going to be heading my way? Maybe they are too smart or too brave to even understand the meaning of goodwill.
Oh well, till next time then. For the moment, i will be at the corner of my cell waiting.. waitting for god knows what.
somethings are just not meant to be
Friday, January 26, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
happy birthday zakiii.
It never occur to me that i will actually be experiencing what i have experienced for the last fourteen days. All the events that took place had widden my perspective about life. It had certaintly answered a whole lot questions in my head like, why are we here for, why some people behaves in certain way and why its bright during the day and dark during the night.
Having read journals of fellow sixteen year old friends and heard about how much fun they had during their orientations, i have little envy to the amount of fun they had. Maybe its due to my bestfriends, who both convinced me that working is fun. But i gotta admit that sometimes, i really wish i had went for the 1st 3 months. Wondering in city link and walking pass people in their vj, tj and sa oritentation shirt can sometimes make me wonder why im not in their shoes. But nevermind, i think i am lucky enough that im working in a company that have wonderful people.
I have made alot of friends at work but at the same time, i have always think about the people that i have known and been so close to during my secondary four year and wonder where they are now and what they can probably be doing. Working has been a bliss and its feels great especially when the friends, teacher, family, love ONE and friends come to visit.
Just not long ago, i have catch up with both danial and fifa and i must say that it feels great to tell this people whats happening lately and trading with them all the latest information of friends that have long gone MIA.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Please swipe credit card
Sometimes, i get easily irritated by aunties that unfold all the pajamas and just threw it in the bean bags. Its pretty difficult to fold a 2 piece pajamas and extremely easy to fold boys clothing now that i have folded it most of the times I'm waiting for my turn to operate the tilt. Speaking of the tilt or " the moster" as Ili and Gina has describe, i love being a cashier except it gets very nervous when some customer flash the "jlval" card.
Other than the tiring nature of the job, i love the company of my department. From the strict supervisors, to the forever-chill-Kak yati, the funny packers, the old aunties who loves to layan us and my very friendly temp staff, working at cw has been rather fun.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
toss a bottle of coca cola
Work is starting on thursday. My mother say it would be a good oppurtunity for me to feel how hard it is to earn money.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
the soldier marching at half past six
12 mins into the game and the score is 1-1.
goodbye my friends. lets hope they feed me well in camp.
Jiayu, if you are reading this, i just want to say i miss you best friend and not forgetting your slow reaction. oh ya, have fun in mr khoo camp. take care of fatty.
AND obviously, to you who are reading this, i will miss you too.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
girls with black dresses and boys in their father's shoes
June Lio Shu Xin says:
nah nth, just actioning
June Lio Shu Xin says:
what are u doing ehhh
behind those bars says:
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
behind those bars says:
i want to bllog
June Lio Shu Xin says:
ohh blog then
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
blog smth nice
behind those bars says:
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
not trashy stuff like what my blog is becoming
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
you can blogggg abouttt
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
some thing niceee
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
There you have it June. I just blog about something LOVEly. hahaha,
anyway, i've completed my O's and i must say i wont be able to do it without god's help, the teachers who stayed back on tuesday afternoon, those nice friends who wish me luck, sisters who give me a peace sign without fail before i head for my papers, parrents who bought honeystar and milk to keep me in fuel, the love one and of cause that sheer drive. hahaha. lets just wait and see now. for the time being, i will try to get a job in a childcare centre. i love kids but im not T-BAG. hahah.
nah nth, just actioning
June Lio Shu Xin says:
what are u doing ehhh
behind those bars says:
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
behind those bars says:
i want to bllog
June Lio Shu Xin says:
ohh blog then
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
blog smth nice
behind those bars says:
behind those bars says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
not trashy stuff like what my blog is becoming
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
you can blogggg abouttt
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
some thing niceee
June Lio Shu Xin says:
June Lio Shu Xin says:
There you have it June. I just blog about something LOVEly. hahaha,
anyway, i've completed my O's and i must say i wont be able to do it without god's help, the teachers who stayed back on tuesday afternoon, those nice friends who wish me luck, sisters who give me a peace sign without fail before i head for my papers, parrents who bought honeystar and milk to keep me in fuel, the love one and of cause that sheer drive. hahaha. lets just wait and see now. for the time being, i will try to get a job in a childcare centre. i love kids but im not T-BAG. hahah.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
hey baby when you talk like that.
In a matter of few hours time, i will be actually sitting for my 1st official GCE Ordinary Level paper, my art paper. Its not like im excited for it but to be frank, i'm nervous. Though sometimes i got that i-know-i-can-take-one-the-world confidence, i know that art paper can sometimes led to screw up or bound to screw up. Just look at midyear, spilling of black paint on the floor, invigilator spilling my water. haha. Lets take prelims for instance, when i thought that things had change or i had step into the right shoes with the right brushes in my hand this body of mine screw everything up. SICK.
On a brighter note, i have completed my prep work and that means a new record. For the record, it was well done. Wish me luck and just watch for that double thumbs up at 5.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
when old friends come out and play.
hello there.
I have been missing in action for so long, i know. Its not really because im too busy practising maths but also because there seems nothing to talk about these days. Life pretty the same almost everyday. I've been spending my time at the east side for the past week. It feels comforting to end a productive day spending time with my very own and most favourite Mrs Asia Pacific- My grandmom. Grandmother aways spoil their grandson. Dont you think so?
However, i think today is something worth to blog about. I had dinner at Poppye's(airport) with Danial, Hafiz and of course June. haha. It had been so long since i have that amount of fun because these days everyone is always in the fucked up study mood.haha. I cant blame them because it is something that we all will eventually go through. Especially at this period of time.
Anyhow, today was one of those outing where alot of cathing up take place. All the old moments, aura and nostalgic feeling never seems to fade away. Personally i think that everyone had fun and its fair to say everyone click. June could even make fun of danial for not having his Os this year, Danial bust telling june about kaixin even though she did not ask for, Hafiz mocking danial about his fats and me, i'm amazed. I'm amazed and i enjoy myself very much.
After dinner, we headed down to Geylang Bazzar. haha. My first time there this year! It was so much fun and i must say its Very Happening. Like every year, it is so nice to see all the melayu community there doing their last minute shopping for hari raya and the food is SUPERB. I love geylang serai. HAHA . In my opnion, hari raya is incomplete without geylang serai. Its so nostalgic just to walk down and listen to all the sounds of geylang: the hari raya songs, uncle shouting ' lelong lelong, 3 for ten' , the sound of people cooking ramly burger and last but not least, the chatters of the makciks and pakciks. "eh eh bang, tengok tu! murah betol ah bunga tu!" "Ala, nak buat per? rumah kiter macam tak cukup bunga. Lagi lagi baju awak dah bercorak bunga. TSK" HAHA. For the non malay, go figure it out! yes. ask your malay friend.
That was today as i had remember. Anyway, i need to study for my religious class exam's tommorow. Life is always about balance.
last, i just want to wish all indians friends out there a very happy deepavali. yes.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
the straight jacket feeling
nothing feels better than waking up for breakfast at five in the morning to have a heavy breakfast and then doing maths till half past six before getting ready for school.
To top it off, the day would be perfect if it is ended with a long bus ride home though its a rare 'experience' especially if you live just a bus stop away from school. Its a sad thing because i love taking bus 105 and 43 home seating at the rear seat and looking out at the window or changing from bus 15 to 854 if its peak hours cause the sight of office man and sweaty school boys after cca can lead you to migrain. but i dont mind the sight of office woman in power suit though. :))
Sunday, October 01, 2006
recently, im addicted to all american rejects
You ask, why are guys these days so gay. where did metrosexuals come from. how can guys cry so easily. guys can cook?! why more men go for pedi and medi cure than women. why does that boy have better skin than me. what ever happend to the old rugged james dean look. Where that muskel marchho man?
its simply because they are a generation of men raised by women and they eat skippy peanut butter!
on the bright side, i love peanut butter. i love the way it stays in your mouth and melts, as you grind you tongue again your teeth into your saliva. i love peanut butter and strawberry jam spread on white bread and folding them into triangle patern instead of rectangle. skippy skippy skippy! being random, i know.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
chasing cars
I'm still in a state of shock you $%#%#%@! driver. Who wouldnt? Imagine if you were crossing at the zebra crossing and this black wagon car out of no where suddenly swift past you at full speed. Its so near your hand could feel the side of the car with great impact.
I think im lucky to be typing this entry out because just a while ago i almost get knocked down by a car. I cant thank god enough. When that happened, i was so shocked and stunt that i freeze at the zebra crossing for 5s. My eyes were looking at that car. The woman on the passenger sit did look at me for some time. I think she was so shock herself. After 5 seconds had past, i was so angry that i started to shout at the driver although he cant possibly hear me. I was furious. haha
I noticed that the busdriver at the juction saw what had happened and just look at me. I look at him and he look at me. I didnt know what to do and how to react. The car was no longer at sight.
I couldnt thank god enough. Os are ahead.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
you have your own faith, i have my own faith. a good read
Tomorrow would mark a significant begining to many of your malay or muslim friends. Because starting from tommorow, you dont find them running to their most favourite stall to get the mouth watering nasi lemak or the thirst quenching ice Milo with extra milo powder on top. Not because Mr Osama bin laden had robbed thier bank account to buy more weapons to aid Al-Qaedah's mission or they had spend all their money to buy a bazooka to kill Pope Benedict XVI after his insensitive comments BUT because, it marks Ramadan , a fasting month for all muslim around the world.
Like every year, i'm very sure my chinese and indian friends will ask why do we actually fast and all that jazz which is a very natural reaction. I mean who would not be curious to see people like ME not eating for around 14 hour a day, and that continue for 30 days. So i guess that today, i would be talking about the month of ramadan. haha. I assure you that it will be a good read and not just another Manual read that you can find elsewhere in the net. It is brought to you by, the most trusting brand in the net. right.
the muslim would fast from dawn( which is about 5.45am Singapore time) until sunset ( which is around 7.03 Singapore time ) abstaning from food, drink and sexual relations. Dont get it? It means no cheeseburger, no coke, not even a sip of tap water and strictly no sex during the day. Sometimes im very sure that you see some of your muslim friend still eats. They either do not fast or are excuse from fasting. Who are the people being excused? Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are pregnant, nursing or having a bloody epidemic. haha. you know what i mean. so what does a physically unable people do if they cant fast? They need to feed a needy person for every day they missed. yes.
Most people start fasting after passing their puberty but many kids these days start fasting earlier. They usually prepare themselves by fasting till 2pm when they are eight years old. I start fasting fully when i'm 11 i think. haha. rather slow start. Anyhow, im very sure you people still have a burning question. " Why do we fast? Whats the reason behind fasting? " I cant give you a perect 15 marks answer( if its over 15) but i can tell you of what i've learn and been told.
Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor and less fortunate people which go hungry for days. Hence it reminds us how not to take food for granted and not to waste them. " People in Thailand got no food" HAHA.Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind . And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers. Something like that. yes. thats all folks.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
i wish flinstone and spongebob were here
hello friends. I know i'm supposed to be at school having block revisions and collecting the-oh-so-badly done prelim results but here i am, typing this piece of entry. well, you may think i'm having the time of my life, enjoying life back at home feeding myself with all the movies that i had missed years ago and not forgetting enjoying all the cheekeern steeyew, chekern legs, leaving all the bones behind neatly on the table. but the truth is, i hate this whole thing. how i wish i could be out there, be in school at least laughing at mrs hee endless jokes and doing endless revisions . but this body of mine just does not allows me. haha. i may sound a lil psyco but hey, its true.
anyhow, just now i was telling my mom why im not going school on thursday and friday and she kindly and cooly say " its allright". well, even my oh-so-kind friend dont allow me to be in school. haha. the vomit monster is in da house they say. haha. so for today and tommorow, i would dedicate myself, my body and i to sports.( to immproved this weak immune system of mine ) so, i would prolly spending my time at the court, playing soccer and later at night, im gonna hit the pool. yes. lets just hope i dont drown.
okay. as usual, i was blog hopping , and i saw cailing blog and someone else. they actually laugh about their life in their blog that they had came out with 2 years ago. hahahahaha. you know, actually i do have a blog that no one knows 2 years ago. or maybe 1? yes, no one except 2 or 3 people. soo let me spilled the beans. though its funny, but its nice to see what you had been doing back then and how different your life was then, its a funny read. yes. nice account of my wonderful sec 2 years.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
let the rain fall, i dont care. im yours, suddenly your mine.

hello friends
the pass few days had been madness.its one of those days when im stucked to the bed and have absolutely no strength to pick myself up. not like i fell but im sick. so, im falling sick. wait. i was sick. haha. They say sick people tell stupid joke. and im not asking you to pity me. never PITY me. thats rule number #52.anyway, thanks to those who had call or leave a msg. its nice to hear from the ppl close to you espcially when you are not feeling well. not that its oh soo manyy but you know who you are. yes, you kind souls.
anyway, just yesterday, i watch NOTHING HILL, A LOT LIKE LOVE, FARENHEIT 9/11, THE WEDDING CRASHER. all fantastic film. superbly. i know im abit yesterday because im very sure you had seen all this film like eons ago. i just wanna tell you that i found movies that can beat serendipity, NOTHING HILL and alot like love. hhaha. (just when i thought that nothing beats serendipity) ahh. i love amanda peet now. amanda peet loves me too. i just know. hahah. actaully, she send me a sms just now. wait, im not gonna be like those silly friends of mine who wrote stupid stuff like this. right, FIFA? haha. i got love.
yes. im tired already. i need to alot of rest, at least thats what the doctor said. okay. im gonna watch more movie. TC.
with hugs and kisses hahahahahahahah
oh, and for those of you who think that stacey orico is good with her vocals after watching SI, you gotta hear ANNA nalick. not that shes very good but do listen to her breathe 2AM. its stacissshh. ( dont laught, JA would say that) which JA you ask? JACINTHA the judge. remember MUZACKISH. make it muzakiiiiiiiish. ahh more like it. OKAY. STOP. its addictive. cant helpt it. i want more. WOOOOOOO. HAHA